Our price: £6.90
Benzaday (Cyclobenzaprine Hydrochloride)
What is Benzaday?
Benzaday is a brand of Cyclobenzaprine Hydrochloride. It is a type of muscle relaxant that is very powerful. It also works very quickly to help offer relief. It is important to understand Benzaday is not a substitute for medical care or pain management techniques.
What is Benzaday Used for?
There are several uses for Benzaday. Benzaday can help to relax the muscles that cause stiffness or pain due to strains and sprains. Benzaday prevents the nerves from being able to send messages to the brain that indicate pain is taking place.
Benzaday may be prescribed for someone who has sprained or strained there back or other muscles at work, due to an accident, or during sports activities. Benzaday may need to be taken along with physical therapy and other healing methods in order to prevent the issue from becoming a chronic health concern.
Benzaday Dosage and How to Take Benzaday
Benzaday should only be used temporarily for pain and discomfort rather than as a daily assistant. As the name indicates, this is a 15 mg product. It is offered in a capsule form and tablet form. A person shouldn’t take more than 1 dose per 24 hours.
Benzaday can be taken with our without food. It does work quickly and it can make the body very relaxed. The mind can become foggy and disoriented. It isn’t recommended to take Benzaday until evening when you can relax and sleep well. Never take Benzaday and then drive a vehicle or operate machinery.
Possible Side Effects of Benzaday
Most people find they are able to use this muscle relaxant without side effects. Those that do experience side effects find they are very mild. This can include headache, dry mouth, fatigue, and insomnia.
Benzaday Precautions and Warnings
Let your doctor know immediately if you experience blurry vision, changes in heart rate, or changes in breathing after you take Benzaday. If you experience a rash or swelling around the face you need to report it. Don’t ignore any tingling in the extremities.
Benzaday shouldn’t be taken by children. Studies indicate it is safe for women who are pregnant or nursing to use Benzaday with the approval of their doctor. Avoid the use of alcohol with Benzaday. Those that take MAOIs or who have liver problems aren’t a good candidate for the use of Benzaday.