Our price: £9.77
Dutas-T (Dutasteride + Tamsulosin)
Dutas-T and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Dutas-T is a combination treatment containing Dutasteride and Tamsulosin. They are often prescribed to work together for males that have an enlarged prostate benign prostatic hyperplasia. The use of such medication can reduce the need for a patient to proceed with surgery for treatment. Dutasteride is a 5 Alpha Reductase Inhibitor. It prevents the production of various natural substances in the body that are responsible for the prostate getting larger.
Tamsulosin is a type of medication that also blocks the same types of substances from being produced. Many males have excellent success with these two types of medication. It should be taken daily for best results, and a male could need to take it for several weeks or even months before the prostrate is at the right size again.
However, the use of Dutas-T should help to alleviate the pain associated with an enlarged prostate after use for only a couple of days. These symptoms include pain around the prostate and painful urination. Males that have prostate cancer shouldn’t use this medication.
Possible Side Effects of Dutas-T
Some males experience nausea with the use of this medication. If that happens, make sure it is taken with food. Limit the consumption of grapefruit products while taking Dutas-T. If the pain associated with prostate problems doesn’t go away after a few days of using this medication make sure you tell your doctor. They may need to recommend something different.
There are several types of known side effects from Dutas-T that males need to be aware of. The one that many are concerned about it the inability to get or maintain an erection successfully. Lower libido has also been reported. For some males their sperm count may be very low or they aren’t able to ejaculate during intercourse. The breasts may become very tender.