Our price: £6.56
Minocycline (Cynomycin) is a type of antibiotic that will assist with removing harmful bacteria from the body. This allows the immune system to step in and to fight the bacteria as it isn’t able to continue growing. Some of the types of infections that this form of medication can be used for include urinary tract infections (UTI), acne, STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), and ticks.
Minocycline is offered in an oral form and has to be taken for a period from 7 to 10 days. The dose may be one or two tablets per day depending on the severity of the bacterial infection. It is very important to take every single dose even if you start to feel better. Otherwise the bacteria will have the opportunity to grow again and make a person very ill. At the same time though the body can build up a resistance to the antibiotics.
Children under 8 years of age shouldn’t be given Minocycline. Minocycline can do permanent damage to the development of their teeth. It can stain them too so that they will be yellow or gray. It is advised to avoid exposure to UV rays while taking this antibiotic. That includes indoor tanning equipment.
It isn’t recommended for women who are pregnant or nursing to use Minocycline. It is important to note that the use of Minocycline may make birth control pills less effective. It may be helpful to consider a back up source of birth control such a condoms during the time when you take Minocycline.
There are some side effects that can occur with the use of Minocycline. They include upset stomach, sores inside of the mouth, swelling of the tongue, and itching around the genital area.
There are some serious side effects too that you need to report to your doctor if they occur. These include severe headaches, blurred vision, chills, flu symptoms, loss of appetite, jaundice, and lethargy.