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Prgabalin and Pain Relief
Pregabalin is a common medication that is given to help reduce pain that is due to nerves that are damaged. It is often a great source of medication for controlling diabetes related health problems. Many people have pain in the extremities and the use of this medication can lessen it. Sometimes Pregabalin is used for the treatment of Fibromyalgia as well.
Pregabalin and Seizures
When it is used in conjunction with other forms of medication it can be a great way to reduce the frequency and severity of seizures. This particular type of medication is referred to as an anticonvulsant. It allows the various signals from the brain to the body about pain to be reduced so that a person won’t be suffering.
Pregabalin Dosage
Pregabalin is offered in a capsule form that is to be taken daily. Some people take it twice a day and others take it three times. It will depend on the severity of the pain that is being experienced. It can be taken with food or on an empty stomach. The dosage will depend on the weight of the patient, their health concerns, other medications they are taking, and how often they have pain as well as the level of pain.
Generally a low dose of Pregabalin is given and then it is slowly increased under the close supervision of the doctor. It is a good idea to keep a record and to daily record the level of pain. This will be a great reference for helping the doctor to determine of the right level of the medication has been found.
Pregabalin Precautions
Users of this medication need to be aware that it can be habit forming. It should only be taken at the dose that is prescribed and for the time frame that is prescribed. Pregabalin should never be taken by anyone other than the individual that it was prescribed for.
Pregabalin Side Effects
There are some possible side effects that may be experienced when using this medication. They include fatigue, headache, dry mouth, dizziness, nausea or vomiting, constipation or gas, bloating, lower back pain, swelling of the feet, weight gain and increased appetite. The side effects should go away after several weeks of use. For most people they aren’t too bothersome.
There can be some severe side effects though that you want to tell your doctor about. They include anxiety, loss of coordination, the inability to focus, problems with your speech, confusion, or memory loss, you want to let your doctor know. Changes in vision, heart rate or breathing should be immediately reported to medical professionals.