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Sumatriptan Tablets 1
Sumatriptan for Migraines
Migraine headaches can cause unbelievable pain. Some people get them occasionally but there are those that suffer from them on a regular basis. Sumatriptan Tablets have been prescribed for various patients both suffering from seeing flashes of lights and spots and those that don’t. The fact that this medication seems to work on various types of migraines is encouraging.
Sumatriptan Tablets are categorized as a triptan. It is able to work by reducing the passage of blood through the blood vessels in the brain. The dose will vary depending on the severity and the frequency of the migraines. Most of the time the doctor will start patients out with 25 mg. If that doesn’t work well enough it can be increased to 50 mg. The highest dose is 100 mg.
When to take Sumatriptan Tablets
This type of medication isn’t to be taken daily. Instead, Sumatriptan Tablets should be taken when a person feels the signs of a migraine coming on. The sooner it is taken in that type of scenario the more beneficial it is going to be. Some people will need to take a second dose 2 hours after the first if their migraine hasn’t been completely stopped. However, after a first dose it should be less severe than normal.
Sumatriptan Side Effects and Precautions
Many people aren’t a good candidate for the use of Sumatriptan Tablets. Individuals that have heart problems, high blood pressure, liver problems, or that take MAOIs shouldn’t use it due to the adverse health problems it could create for them. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding also shouldn’t use it.
There is a variety of medications that won’t interact well with it so always tell the doctor about everything you take. This includes herbs and over the counter products. There are some side effects that may be experienced with the use of Sumatriptan Tablets. They include tingling, fatigue, muscles that ache, dizziness, and drowsiness. Any signs of severe side effects including changes in breathing, changes in heart rate, blurred vision, or swelling of the face should be immediately reported to the doctor.